Designer: Stefanie O'Dea

Monday, January 3, 2011

21st November 2010.

Creative Industries Study Tour

The countdown is finally over, after a year of preparation, much excitement and anticipation, today I finally leave for New York City. I anxiously made my way to the airport this morning with my oversized luggage and itinerary in hand, eagerly attempting to lull my fear of flying with excitement, I was, sadly, unsuccessful. Between the farewells, take- off, the 13 hour flight (in which i was to nervous to sleep), short touch down in L.A, second take- off, 5 hour flight and final landing/ arrival into New York City, I found myself trying to pass the time by day dreaming about the shopping, food, landmarks and culture I was about to experience. I rapidly discovered my high expectations of the next two weeks, with my final year of uni approaching, I am desperately seeking inspiration for my graduating collection... What better place to be educated, provoked and inspired than NEW YORK CITY. I hope to leave NEW YORK in two weeks, with the concept of my graduating collection (maybe even some fabric).

Chelsea International Hostel

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