Designer: Stefanie O'Dea

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2nd December 2010.

The Natural History Museum

Day 11

The Natural History Museum is yet another museum that would take weeks to explore, in order to take it all in. Spending the morning in the museum only gave me the time to see the African Mammals, the Reptiles and the Solar System display. The African Mammals were initially incredible, until I learnt that they were real African Mammals that had been captured, killed, stuffed and donated to the museum. The Reptiles were also captured, killed, stuffed and donated to the museum. The Solar System area, had a sphere displayed that was described as a Solar System, there was a plant through the middle, water and tiny fish swimming throughout it. Apparently the sphere is self sufficient, feeding the fish, cleaning the water and providing light for the plant to grow, it was a Earth.


After finding my direction and concept inspiration for my graduating collection, I had been remembering fabrics that I saw in mood that could be useful for not only my final garments but for twalling also. One in particular came to mind, another silk of a pattern of daisy's black, white and yellow, softly bleeding into one another. When I finally found the fabric amongst thousands of textiles and had it ready to buy, the sales women laid out a yard and realised it was printed in panels, that bled into black. Although I did not buy the textile, I took a high res photo and have decided to recreate the print to be printed in Australia (with no bleeding).

Conference Cocktail Party
Jewellery store

Tonight I dressed up in my finest and attended the cocktail party at a Jewellery store, for the fashion conference that will be running over the next two days. With Jewellery designers launching there lines there were New York socialites, stylists and their rich husbands flocking around $100, 000 pieces. Not knowing the price of the item I tried on a ring that was in the shape of a starfish, that moulded fittingly around my finger and clasped onto a oversized mother of pearl. The starfish was encrusted with little black diamonds and had a price tag of $180,000. I met a women by the name of Susan Sommers, who was also trying on the jewellery and sighing at the price tag, she was a personal style coach on West End Avenue. After talking to her about her profession she gave me a business card, so I could view her website. She was an inspiring women, she even shared a phrase: create a first impression that opens doors.

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