Designer: Stefanie O'Dea

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3rd December 2010.

Initiatives in Art and Culture

Vintage: Value, Values and Enduring Design


Day 12

Today I attended the Initiative in Art and Culture Conference, the topic discussed was, Vintage: value, values and enduring design. The first speaker Catherine I. Moellering who discussed Fashion's Power Play: Consumers Take the Lead, she briefly touched on the key factors that are currently reshaping the retail world. By exposing how the industry went from market driven to consumer driven, referencing movie 'Funny Face', it became clear that the power has indeed shifted into the hands of the consumer. The discussion moved onto how consumers are now aware, they expect more from the product then just the product itself, they are now seeing the value in a good cause, weather it be environmental or ethical. As a design student I found Moellering's discussion educational as she explored avenues in which designers, brands, retailers and manufacturers can navigate through these new conditions and arrive on a more profitable, stable outcome. The advice given was to employ engagement strategies, know your consumer and utilise the Internet by empowering the consumer. Throughout this discussion I took as many notes as I could fit onto the blank page provided, as I believe every grain of information will prove to be highly useful for me as a designer trying to break into the industry.

Conference Cocktail party

What Goes Around Comes Around

What Goes Around Comes Around, vintage store, hosted the second and final cocktail party for the Initiative in art and culture conference. With the option to shop, it was brought to my attention that Chanel and Valentino were once again casually hanging from the window cills. Books were open for viewing across the jewellery cabinets, which is where I found an image of a women being man handled, wearing a bra that caught my attention. I am still unsure of what attracted me to it, weather it was the shape or the hint of texture, but I was instantly inspired.

Note: Design Inspiration, braziere, textured, vinatage, hand sewn flowers?

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