Designer: Stefanie O'Dea

Monday, January 3, 2011

24th November 2010.

Vintage Shopping

Day 3

Today was a 9am start, we all met at the Chelsea International Hostel, where Mark Neighbour (tour guide for the day) had his list and map plotted of the Vintage and thrift stores surrounding Chelsea. Our First stop was Bonny and Sherri’s Vintage, an inviting store on W 20th st. I found myself first at the jewelry cabinet, pointing out a pair of gold earrings that i wished to try, to my excitement they were GIVENCHY, and only $23. It was at this moment that I took in the rest of my surroundings to find Chanel shoes casually at my feet and Valentino hanging by the dresser. One thing I learnt today was that Australia has nothing on American Vintage.

The garments we came across today were inspiring to say the least not only were they cherished vintage goods in impeccable condition, but they were garments that displayed embellishments, detailing and finishes that I would never had imagined existed. One Vintage store merchandised by years, which was educational for a fashion student as I could flick through the variations of pants, skirts, dresses and shirts and see what lengths, techniques, finishes, styles and even colours were in trend during those specific years.

Cuban Cafe

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