Designer: Stefanie O'Dea

Monday, August 16, 2010

"An outfit that wants to change the world"
(Alexander 2005)

TWENTY- NINE hours of hand sewing and constructing documented
This is an outfit that hopes to change the world in relation to the issues surrounding fashion and sustainability. The doily cape intends to do this by not only promoting the up- cycling of second hand or pre- loved clothing, materials or objects but by also inspiring consumers to research and become aware of the impact that the manufacturing process, life and after life of the textile and/or garment is having on the environment before making a purchase. The garment also not only aspires to stimulate designers to explore sustainable alternatives to utilise instead of say, cotton, when constructing a garment, but hopes to install a trend that see's designers hand sewing their garments to promote sustainability in fashion. A hand sewn garment is harder to part with, therefore will not be treated as waste and dumped into landfill, through this trend will also come a decline in fast- fashion resulting in less textile waste again.
As previously stated, this is....
"An outfit that wants to change the world"
(Alexander 2005)

1 comment:

  1. I am in LOVE. It's absolutely gorgeous stef!
